Frequently Asked Questions About
The Homeschool Super Heroes Week
Most Commonly Asked Question: How do I listen to the interviews?
Click here for your answer.
Question # 1: What is a “Telesummit?”
Answer: A telesummit is much like a conference or seminar in which many authors, speakers and experts come together to share their knowledge. The difference is that it is done all by telephone or live-streaming on the internet. Each presenter will be interviewed for 30-45 minutes on a specific topic of their expertise. You can listen to it right now using our teleseminar software or you can select the option to listen later using the digital audio downloads or by ordering the recorded version of the product.
Question # 2: What makes your telesummit different from other homeschooling courses I’ve taken?
Answer: The homeschooling practical tips you’ll hear during this telesummit have been used by our speakers in and around the homeschool community. There has NEVER been so many accessible homeschool super heroes yet assembled at one time. Not only that, but they’ll be revealing some of their best kept secrets and strategies. The experts are Undoubtedly the best of the best!
Question # 3: Can’t I Just Learn This Stuff On My Own
Answer: I’m sure over time, you could learn this on your own….but why would you want to? Aren’t you strapped enough for time as it is? How valuable is your time and money? We know you are busy! That’s why we quickly drew out the best strategies and techniques for homeschool parents to use this year. And we did it in 30-45 minutes.
If you want to spend hours surfing the internet for ways to improve this school year, by all means do so. But, we have a collected group of homeschool experts that can get right to the point and help you out.
Question # 4: Why should I pay you to learn stuff I already know?
Answer: You shouldn’t. If you already know the strategies and techniques you’ll learn at the Homeschool Super Heroes telesummit, you don’t need to pay me and you shouldn’t! But if you want to learn how to get off on the right foot this school year and be encouraged over & over again, you can invest in our recordings, transcripts & cheat sheets.
Question # 5: My kids are different than most, are you sure the strategies I’ll learn will work for me?
Answer: I think you’d be surprised how many homeschooling parents say the same thing. The strategies contained in this telesummit work regardless of what part of the world you live in or the ages of your children. You’ll learn so many different strategies that will be almost impossible for you NOT to find several that you can start using right away.
Question # 6: I’ve been homeschooling for years, will I find anything to apply?
Answer: The secrets you’ll learn will work just as well for the newbie as it will for the veteran. Most of the secrets are easy enough to implement. More importantly we all can use a little encouragement as homeschool moms.
Question # 7: I don’t have a big homeschool budget, can your telesummit still help me?
Answer: Many of the secrets you’ll learn won’t cost anything to implement. Sometimes it’s just a change of focus in your thinking. On the other hand there will be some suggested resources that you may want to research for your own homeschool. For most homeschools however it’s not about spending more so much as it is improving what you are already doing.
Question # 8: How many strategies or techniques do you suggest I implement?
Answer: Don’t try to do too many at once. Get a few up and running first and then add a few more as you see fit. Remember, it’s not how many you do, it’s how well you do them. In the case of homeschooling & parenting, if you perfect just a few strategies of what you’ll learn, you’ll be ahead of 99% of everyone else.
Question # 9: What if I am not happy with your program?
Answer: If you choose to invest in the recordings of the Homeschool Super Heroes telesummit, I am so confident that you’ll be happy with the knowledge gained from this telesummit, that I am going to give you an unheard of no-questions money back guarantee.
If at the end of this telesummit, you don’t feel as though you’re getting all that was promised and you’re not satisfied that what you heard was worth the money you paid, just let me know and I will give you your money back. No hassles or fine print…period!
Question # 10: What forms of payment do you accept?
Answer: You can pay using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or PayPal.
Question # 11: Is the cost of the telesummit tax deductible?
Answer:Although, you’ll need to check with your financial advisor, the telesummit is considered continuing education and training. When used to improve your teaching skills it is usually deductible as a legitimate education expense. But, check with your financial advisor first.
Question # 12: If your speakers are so great, why is the cost to attend FREE?
Answer:First of all, I want to be sure that I over deliver on my promise to bring you the best speakers from around the world. Second, I plan on having future telesummits on a variety of exciting and timely subjects to help improve your homeschool. Not only do I want you to come back again, I want you to tell your friends, family and fellow homeschoolers.
Question # 13: Who should attend and what will I learn?
Answer:Moms & Dads who educate their children at home, homeschool co-op teachers, homeschool leaders who want to learn from veterans.
Question # 14: What happens if I miss a session?
Answer:I realize that not everyone one will be able to attend every teleseminar. That’s why I’ve made the MP3’s and PDF transcripts so affordable. I don’t want you to miss all the gems that these homeschool super heroes have to say.
Having the MP3’s and PDF transcripts for you to read and listen to over and over and pass on to your spouse may be the best investment you make this year.
Question # 15: Do I need any special phone or computer hardware or software?
Answer: Nope. All you need is a computer with internet access to listen online.