These are 2022 Workshops
Conquering Corrupt Culture by Raising Christian Communicators, by Andrew Pudewa
Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming, that soon our world may be very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. But at the same time, we must wake up each day and live as though things will continue on pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we truly are in a cultural war, fighting the “non-gospel” of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts – personal, familial, and social. What should our priorities be, and how can we prepare our children to be “culture warriors?”
Title Partner – In Welcome Module
Homeschooling Around the World, by Steven Policastro
Join Steven Policastro to hear thrilling stories of what it is like to homeschool around the world. From the Amazon Rain Forest in Brasil to the Saharan Desert in South Sudan, from the Eiffel Tower in France to the Great Wall in China there are homeschool superheroes. Be encouraged and equipped to pray and serve these homeschool families overseas.
How to Homeschool
Long-Term Learning with Unit Studies, by Jan L. Burt
In this session, Jan will share how to implement unit studies based on historical events & what’s coming up on the calendar. In her 25 years as a homeschooling parent, the things that had the most long-term impact on her children were the unit studies she created to correspond with the calendar. Join her to find out how to “build” a unit study that your children will never forget!
Taking it easy during the Early Years – Unschooling for the Win!, by Annette Breedlove
After starting with a strict Classical/School at Home approach, this Mom of 6 believes that letting them learn by exploring is the key to success in the early years!
Why you are the best person to teach your child, by Lisa Garrison
Society has built the idea in our heads that because your child is special needs, said child needs a specialist to teach them. Well, guess what, you are the best person for the job of teaching YOUR child. As their parent, you are the one that will do it all to ensure they are getting the best quality education. Let me give you the reason why you are the best teacher for your special needs child and some secrets on how to do it.
SIDEKICK! How you are your child’s MODEL for learning to PLAY, by Amanda Owens
Let’s Make Play your SUPERPOWER! Play is important. It’s some of the brain’s biggest and best work and we do it from our smallest days and when things go right, we take that ability to play throughout life. Take your little sidekick on a Play Adventure and learn how to PLAY even when you don’t feel like you have the mental energy to take on even imaginary “villains.” We will work through building a pattern of play following your Child’s lead and how to make their play mightier a little bit at a time. You only need to be one step ahead!
Getting UnStuck: Simple Solutions for Sticky Situations in your Homeschool, by Katie J. Trent
What do you do on those difficult days? When your child is resisting their schoolwork, your curriculum isn’t working, or your family is experiencing a crisis? Katie shares practical tips to help you smoothly sail through the most common homeschool struggles.
Homeschool Jr High with Confidence!, by Lisa Nehring
Homeschooling during the Jr. High years can be tricky, as you child questions your authority and understanding of my materials. Now is a perfect time to outsource some classes, resource your students growing interests and try new things. In this workshop, True North Homeschool Academy Director, Lisa Nehring will cover how to utilize the Jr. High years so that your kids can enter High School with the skills necessary for High School (and beyond) success!
How to homeschool your children with a baby in tow and maintain your sanity, by Lesa Rumbalski
Do you have a baby and struggle with homeschooling, making everything work, and still being able to breathe now and then? Or…are you planning on having a baby soon and wondering how to manage taking care of a baby AND homeschooling your big kids? Then this is for you! Find out ways to help keep your kids learning with a baby in tow while also taking care of you as well!
All About Project-Based Learning, by Nancy Mikhail
Join Nancy in this workshop to learn how to effectively give your kids the best learning experience. Teach your kids in a hands-on way that teaches them how to analyze, improve critical thinking skills, problem-solve and gain life skills that are vital.
Tips and Tricks for teaching a struggling reader, by Angela Taylor
If you have a child who is struggling to read, I have been there! In this workshop I’m going to share my experience as both a mom and former educator. Join me as we talk about practical ways to help your struggling reader.
The Forgotten Subjects of Greatness, by Britton LaTulippe
If you have read any of the books in The Art of Raising Children for Greatness series, then you already know that there are two very different kinds of schools in the world: public schools, where children are raised for commonness, and elite prep schools, where children are raised to rule the world. So superior are the elite prep schools that our last four Presidents, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden, were all prep schoolers, even though prep schoolers only make up half a percent of the entire population.
Because prep schools cost $40,000-70,000 a year, most people imagine it’s all about the money. The high tuition buys better teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, and newer textbooks. But I know better. I attended an elite boarding school, and I can tell you that prep schoolers achieve greatness at the highest levels because they are taught the subjects of greatness. In my talk, I will reveal and explain the nine subjects of greatness so that you can bring the world of elite prep schooling into your homeschool.
How to Make Literacy Learning Both Fun and Effective, by Katie Wolfe
We want our lessons to be fun for our kids but they need to be educationally effective as well. Finding that balance can be tricky with any subject, but with literacy lessons, it’s especially easy to get sucked into the cutesy ideas on Pinterest or stuck in the mundane world of Dick and Jane. But it does not have to be that way. Katie has successfully taught hundreds of kids to read and wants to share several ideas for fun and effective literacy lessons with you!
Humor in Education: Laughing Leads to Learning, by Mark Huffman
Award-winning novelist and children’s book author explains how humor is a powerful educational tool. When kids are laughing along, fully engaged with funny material, a teaching opportunity is created – and they may be having so much fun they won’t even realize they’re learning!
Homeschool Subject Areas
“Seven hidden benefits of learning a second language” that we all keep missing, by Suzanne Gose
Re-invigorate your foreign language lessons, or start for the first time by finding out WHY spending time and resources on Spanish is such a benefit! Dive into the science behind the benefits of communicating in a second language in this informative workshop and watch the successes show in your homeschool!
Unleashing World History, by Linda Lacour Hobar
If you don’t “love” history, what holds you back? Is it the assumption that history is boring, irrelevant, or just too morbid for your liking? Fear not—there are ways to overcome the hurdles to loving history! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for insights on how you can better appreciate history, and pass that enthusiasm on to the next generation.
Is Your Child Ready to Read?, by Sarah Miller
Are you feeling intimidated by the process of teaching your child to read? In this workshop, you’ll learn the signs to watch for that mean it’s time to start teaching your child how to read. We’ll also talk about simple steps you can take to prepare your child to be a confident reader who loves books.
Using Side by Side Stories to Make Reading Fun, by Sarah Miller
Did you know that with a few simple tweaks, you can use the process of learning to read to help your child fall in love with books? After this session, you will be ready to inspire your child to practice reading (even if all they want to do is play on their tablet).
What to do when Handwriting comes With Tears, by Cynthia Heren
Fine Motor Delays was our first clue for the extra needs of our preschooler. When Kindergarten came handwriting brought tears and for a while we put the pencils away. Now a middle schooler with dysgraphia (learning disability in writing) we have a toolbox of strategies to give you to use with your child and not let handwriting struggles slow down their other learning.
Turn a Book into an Unforgettable Experience, by Dachelle McVey
Are you ready for an easy solution for language arts? In this workshop, Dachelle we show you how to turn a book into an unforgettable experience! She has three simple steps that will help you capture the magic of books and make your kids excited about what they are reading.
Teaching Reading–6 Tips to Help Your New or Struggling Reader, by Jennifer Merckling
Learn specific tools and simple strategies you can use right away–and watch your child blossom as a reader! After teaching 2nd grade, Jen has homeschooled her 6 kids for 20 years–teaching them all to read (some with learning challenges) and even creating her own reading curriculum. Reading instruction is her passion–and she’s excited to share her best tips!
We Have Spending Problems Versus an Income Problem, by Scott LaPierre
Frequently we think we have an income problem (“If I only made a little more money!”) when we actually have spending problems. Come listen to the author of Your Finances God’s Way, Scott LaPierre, as he helps you recognize the most common spending problems and what you can do about them.
How to Choose the Right Music Program for Your Music Lessons, by Justina of Jus Classical
It can be daunting to choose a music program (and teacher), especially when there are so many to choose from. Here are a few tips to help you pick the right one for your music lessons.
12 Ways Drawing Grows the Brain and Helps Students Academically, by Justina of Jus Classical
As homeschooling parents, we may think that we need to focus on reading, writing and ‘rithmetic or STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) as the foundation of our children’s learning, Yet, there are many benefits of learning to draw that will grow your children’s brains and help them academically.
Teaching Economics to Kids, by Ryan Semerau
Economics is called the dismal science, but even so we all use it in our everyday lives even if we don’t realize it. By learning some vocabulary and concepts, your kids will be able to understand why people choose the things they do, and as a result why the world works the way it does. Economics is a topic that all kids need to know!
Learning Through Literature, by Kelly Warner
Learn how to teach your children through a variety of engaging and inviting stories, all the while covering core and elective subjects in a low-key yet effective manner. By creating a homeschool experience that is surrounded with stories, tales, biographies, and even non-fiction, you can cultivate a love of learning and a love of reading while customizing a homeschool experience that is tailored to your children and your homeschool.
How You Can Teach Your Children to Write Right and Right Well, by Jeannie Fullbright
American school children do not learn how to write. Colleges are rife with remedial English classes to unlearn bad habits. Jeannie will share tools you can easily implement to ensure your children develop strong writing skills, along with revealing the secrets to hacking any essay thrown their way.
Building a Storyteller in 6 Fun and Natural Ways, by Alyson Jensen
Does your child love to tell or write stories? Do you want to encourage them to cultivate their gift? Join Alyson Jensen – homeschool grad and authoress – as she gives you six natural ways you can build your storyteller, helping them learn to express their thoughts, develop their skills, and find inspiration with enjoyment.
Help Kids Master Spelling – The Easy Way!, by Charlene Hess
What if you could help your kids improve, even master, their natural spelling abilities WITHOUT having to spend every week going through mundane weekly spelling words? Let Charlene Hess, homeschooling mom of 8 crazy fun kiddos (who started out with no natural spelling abilities) walk you through her method for teaching spelling. Soon you’ll be wondering why you ever stressed about endless spelling lists!
The Four M’s to Making Math Stick!, by Nicole Thomas
Think you have to love math or be a math whiz to teach it? Think again. This session is designed to give you real-life tools to make math memorable and even (gasp) fun! Nicole the Math Lady will share the four M’S to making math “stick.” You’ll also learn the top three mistakes parents make when teaching math. If you’re ready to revolutionize your math classroom, this is the workshop for you!
Taking the Stress Out of Teaching Math, by Leah Martin
Most people who don’t like math have felt some kind of shame, embarrassment, or frustration surrounding the subject in their formative years. If math is a subject that makes you want to stay in bed all day, Leah Martin will share some teaching tips with you to help both you and your child gain mastery over this important area! Learn teaching tips, helpful advice, and ways to develop your own confidence in math from a licensed teacher and homeschooler.
Homeschool High School
Equipping Teens to Write a Cozy Mystery, by Meredith Curtis
Meredith’s teens devoted one year of high school English to reading literature and planning and writing their own novel. Since they loved mysteries, the younger 3 wrote cozy mysteries. Writing a who-dun-it is like creating a puzzle for your reader to solve. Teens design an amateur detective, create suspects with motives, leave clues and red herrings, set up a plot with conflict and complications, and wrap it all up logically in the end. Do you want to try this at home? Meredith Curtis shares the nuts and bolts of how to write a cozy mystery with your teen for high school English and the surprising educational benefits.
Homeschooling Your College Bound Teen and Making Memories Along the Way, by Betsy Sproger
Are you homeschooling a college bound teen? The thought of knocking on the door to college as a homeschooler can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! My homeschooled grad got into each of the colleges she applied to, with scholarship offers. So today, I will be sharing my best advice for homeschooling your college bound teen, along with real life examples along the way.
Homeschooling High School with Confidence!, by Lisa Nehring
In this workshop, Lisa Nehring, Director of True North Homeschool Academy will go over the purpose of high school and how to best maximize our kids experiences, academics and opportunities to help our students launch with success!
Giving them the Reigns: Successfully Homeschool High School by Giving Up Complete Control, by Annette Breddlove
As Annette prepares to graduate her first child from their homeschool, she has watched him flourish and grow over the past four years by relenquishing control over his studies. Find out how she gave up her Type A personality AND graduated a homeschooler with high marks and life skills.
Homeschooling Through High School without losing your mind, by Angela Jo Taylor
You really can successfully graduate your child and enjoy the process.
11 Things What Your Child Needs to Learn, by Amber Semerau
The most important thing you can do for your child is to help them build a strong character- they need to be honest, kind, diligent, hardworking, and joyful. And then they also need a solid academic foundation of Reading, Writing, Math, Science, History, Economics and Government. They also need life skills- health, home and self maintenance. And finally they need time to pursue their interests. We’ll talk about resources and how to make all this happen in this class. Hint: you don’t have to do everything every year, but it helps to see where you are going!
Charlotte Mason Homeschool
How NOT to learn a Foreign Language, by Suzanne Gose
Ever wonder if you’re “doing it wrong?” Watch to learn seven specific ways that you may be sabotaging your Foreign Language study time, and the antidotes to cure the problem!
How to Teach Music in Your Homeschool the Charlotte Mason Way, by Gena Mayo
The Charlotte Mason method provides a wonderful background for homeschooling in a relaxed and family-focused manner. Did you know that Miss Mason had a lot to say about music? Join music teacher and homeschool mom Gena Mayo to learn how to incorporate the Charlotte Mason way of music education into your homeschool. It’s much easier than you might think! We’ll discuss these six aspects: composer study, hymn study, folk song study, musical creativity, dancing, and living books about music. And, you’ll leave the workshop with practical ideas to implement in your homeschool tomorrow!
How to Cultivate a Delightful Learning Atmosphere, by Sara Jordan
No matter how you choose to homeschool or what your current situation, you can create a delightful learning atmosphere at home by considering a few key ingredients. Learn about these 5 essential ingredients of a delight-directed approach to learning for a lifetime, influenced by Charlotte Mason’s ideas, and how you can apply them in your own homeschool.
Getting Started with Memory Work, by Amy Sloan
Learn how to choose the best memory work for your homeschool and how to practically implement memory work in your Morning Time and family’s life! Memory work can be so much more than lists of facts and figures, and it can be a joyful part of any homeschool style. Learn how to incorporate truth, goodness, and beauty in your homeschool memory work adventures!
Living Math: Teaching Off the Page in the Charlotte Mason Style, by Kathryn Gomes
Math is often taught in isolation, disconnected from the world and the daily experiences of our kids. But math is meant to be taught in context, connected topic by topic to real-life problems and scenarios. Many of us know this, but moving beyond workbooks feels daunting and mysterious. Exactly how are we supposed to bring math to life? Kathryn will show you how to invigorate your math program in 3 steps during this Charlotte Mason-inspired math session. You’ll walk away with fresh vision and practical tips that you can start using right away.
Nothing is So Good as Ling’s Swedish Drill, by Nikki and Emily of The Schoolyard
to follow
Taking a Developmental Approach to Charlotte Mason, by Amy Bodkin
Charlotte Mason’s writings are based upon her wide reading of the latest research in her day, and the ideas she put forth still stand up to the most current research today! Join Amy Bodkin, EdS, a School Psychologist turned Special Needs Consultant, as she explains how Charlotte Mason’s approach to education was based on how children develop and how you can determine where to place your child based on their development and not a grade level. Because education is a life, not a grade level!
Don’t Cancel The Classics by Yolanda Newton
In a modern era, learning the works of authors who died long before we were even born might seem like a waste of time. But students who study classic literature have a whole host of advantages over their peers. Don’t let the boring way you were taught English Literature prevent you from giving your student an amazing, fully rounded education! Let them have a fun, engaging experience learning the classics.
A Study in Character: Teaching Citizenship & Morality through Shakespeare and Plutarch, by Rachel Lebowitz
How do we teach character and citizenship in a way that allows a student to self-educate their own conscience on matters of right and wrong? How do we give our students “informing ideas” that are so important, so foundational, that they help to shape their character? Charlotte Mason used three tools to teach character: the Bible, Shakespeare, and Plutarch. She believed that the chief responsibility rests on each individual to accept or reject ideas. You probably already teach the Bible in your homeschool, but have you thought about Shakespeare or Plutarch?
Why Nature Study Matters and How to Make it Awesome, by Jeannie Fullbright
Learn the vital “whys” of nature study – how to improves a child’s well being and academic performance and the techniques and tools to make it a wonderful and rewarding experience for the whole family.
Life-giving Motherhood in a Charlotte Mason Homeschool, by Min Hwang
to follow
Special Needs
Raising Superheroes: Parenting Special Needs Kids, by Amy Bodkin
Oftentimes parents feel overwhelmed trying to figure out how to raise a child who is different from themselves, and that is completely understandable! It is not unlike Jonathan and Martha Kent trying to figure out how to raise little Clark Kent to become the Superman we all know and love. I imagine that Martha Kent received many “Wow, you have your hands full” comments as Clark was growing up! Join Amy Bodkin, EdS, an Autistic Adult, School Psychologist turned Consultant and Public Speaker, and Homeschool mom to two Austistic kids, as she shares what parents with ordinary powers can do to create an environment that will help their little Superheroes thrive!
How to Teach an Outside the Box Kid!, by Cynthia Heren
Homeschooling can be a great choice for kids who need to learn differently. But how do we teach them differently when all we know ourselves is a traditional classroom? In this session we will explore different ways our kids learn, how to think differently as their teacher and practical strategies you can use to help your outside the box kids thrive!
Tips for homeschooling a child with autism, by Lesa Rumbalski
Are you looking for ways to help your child with autism learn in a way that works for them? Or maybe you need to find ways to simultaneously work with a child with autism while also homeschooling a child who does not. In this session, we will cover all that in more! I will be sharing some of my experiences as well as give ideas on how to make it work and create a happy learning environment!
Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder & Adapting Curriculum To Meet your Needs Description, by Leilani Melendez
An overview of what Sensory Processing Disorder is and how to adapt the curriculum you have to meet the needs of your child.
Homeschooling a Teen with Autism, by Terrie McKee
Homeschooling a teen can be tricky and difficult; homeschooling a teen with autism can be all that and more. In this session, Terrie McKee of Homeschooling One Child will share how she educated her autistic son, including schedules, developmental needs, life skills, and dealing with puberty. She will also give some tips on applying for guardianship.
Speech Therapy in a FLASH! How to practice Speech Sounds in 5 minutes a day!, by Amanda Owens
It’s the fastest speech therapy around! Speech Therapy can be faster than a speeding train and super-efficient. Take this mini workshop on how to build a tiny speech therapy plan to practice ONE sound in a zippy fast super quick drill that is fun, fast, and RELATIONAL. Your child will learn to be immersed, focused, and done with this highly concentrated practice session before you both know it.
Parenting & Faith
God Loves and Likes You. Good News for Earnest Parents, by Steve Demme
Believing the good news in our innermost being is transformative and restorative. We can only give to our children what we have received ourselves. As we comprehend God’s care and affection in new ways, we will be able to minister the same to our families.
Radically Intentional Parenting, by Davis Carman
Parents love their kids more than anyone on the planet. They want the best for their children, especially when it comes to education, character development, and relationships. Then why do so many parents take the lazy-man’s approach and “wing it” in many important areas of child training? It could be that parenting is hard work—really hard work. You could even say, it’s just not for wimps. The issues facing parents are many, critical, and looming. What direction will you take your family when it comes to discipline, sports, sleepovers, cell phones, video games, movies, dating, and more? Young kids need courageous leadership from their mom and dad, and you will choose to be passive or proactive, spontaneous or intentional. Davis has three decades worth of parenting experience with seven kids. In this presentation, he shares some of the best and worst decisions a parent can make.
Writing to Rest: Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline, by Gabi Haberer
The purpose of a spiritual discipline is to create space in our busy lives, to pause, pay attention, and to take notice of how the Lord speaks. Presenting a bit of research alongside experience and heart, Gabi dissolves the walls around the concept of daily writing both for discovery and worship, while giving tangible tips to incorporate this restful practice into your daily life.
The Super-Power of Good Manners, by Meredith Curtis
We call them soft skills today, but it all goes back to old-fashioned manners based on Scripture. Kindness never goes out of style. Your children can learn at a young age to think of others first. Meredith Curtis shares how to teach children to greet, interrupt tactfully, disagree respectfully, use table manners, and show honor to the elderly. When your children are polite, they make others feel safe and cared for. This is the foundation for social skills at home, church, and in the business world that lead to success.
Praying Psalm 91 For Your Family & Your Homeschool, by Jan L. Burt
In this session, Jan will discuss the impact prayer can have on your daily life as a homeschooling family. She will also walk through this passage of Scripture and will pray for you and your family. Don’t miss this workshop session & expect to be blessed and encouraged!
Is Submission a Bad Word?, by Scott LaPierre
“Submission” is frowned on in the world’s eyes, but it’s a clear command to wives in Scripture. What does it look (and not look) like for wives to submit to their husbands as the church does to Christ? Also, how can husbands make it easier to submit to them?
Where is My Super Suit? Revealing the Hero You Already Are!, by Amber Smith
Want to know the best thing about Superheroes? They were once unsuspecting, everyday people. They rose to their calling when they discovered their hidden powers. The only difference between them and YOU – they are fictional and you may not have discovered your hidden power! What are the powers of Homeschool Superheros? In this session, Amber Smith, shares what she has observed over twenty years in the homeschool community.
Maintaining Sanity While Homeschooling Littles, by Aimee Smith
“I can’t even go to the bathroom by myself!” This might be the season of life you’ve dreamed of for years, but the constant pull for your attention can push moms of little ones to the edge of the sanity cliff. Thankfully, you can reclaim your sanity by incorporating 3 refreshing principles into your thought life and 3 practical strategies into your home life. You can not only maintain sanity but reclaim a sense of joy while homeschooling with littles.
Fighting for your Children, by Lisa Garrison
God gave you the gift of your child/ren. God knew that when he did, you would be the person that helped them to become the best version of themselves. In this session, you will learn the importance of fighting for your children, especially in today’s society.
Encouragement for Homeschoolers
I Believe in Homeschooling, by Davis Carman
Most parents place a high value on the education they can give to their children. It prepares them for life and gives them hope for a happy future. In the old days, the three R’s of schooling included reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithematic. Is homeschooling succeeding because it is reclaiming the tried and true educational philosophy or is something else going on? In this workshop, Davis presents a compelling case for you to believe in the power of homeschooling and seven new R’s to back it up.
However Imperfectly: Lessons Learned from Thirty Years of Teaching, by Andrew Pudewa
In this talk, Andrew shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching
and homeschooling, including: It’s hard not to do to your kids what was done to you; process over product; all kids are different; “progressive” education doesn’t mean progress; what real “college and career readiness” is; and two secret keys to successful teaching. You will be challenged or reassured (or both!) but sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.
Beyond Academics: One of the Best Blessings of Homeschooling, by Christian Horstmann
Homeschooling is much more mainstream today than it was just a decade or two ago, but it’s so important for us to remember that it’s a whole lot more than merely doing school at home! In this presentation, a homeschool graduate shares his perspective on some of the best blessings of homeschooling. These blessings extend far beyond academics alone, and they can’t always be measured with a test score.
The Power of Optimism: Letting Go of Negativity for a More Powerful Life, by Richie Soares
How optimistic are you? When asked the age-old question, do you see the glass half-full or half-empty? Your answer may indicate whether you lean toward an optimistic or pessimistic belief system. This workshop will help you better identify whether negativity has become your standard reaction and what you can do to stop being negative and more optimistic. It will get you thinking about your mom mindset and show you how valuable letting go of negativity and leading a more positive life is for you and your homeschool!
Reclaiming Joy on the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Homeschool Day, by Aimee Smith
Yes, you can reclaim joy even on the worst of days! One simple strategy can help you regain your own composure in the midst of the bad day and lead your children back to a place of joy.
Help for the New Homeschool Mom: What I Wish I’d Known from the Beginning, by Katie J. Trent
Katie shares everything you didn’t know you needed in order to flourish throughout your homeschool journey. You’ll learn three secrets to set yourself up for success so you can grow your faith, strengthen your family, and simplify your homeschool. Walk away with fresh vision, a solid plan, and strategies for a more meaningful and memorable homeschool experience for you and your kids.
From Pitfalls to Peace–Answers to 5 Common Homeschool Problems, by Jennifer Merckling
After 20 years of homeschooling 6 kids–Jen has wrestled with some of the most common homeschool problems: Teaching multiple kids, balancing the housework, finding consistency, helping kids get their work done, staying patient & loving well…Walk away encouraged and ready to overcome homeschool obstacles!
Using X-Ray Vision to Get to the Heart of Schoolwork Problems, by Amber Smith
Has being hungry, tired or late for a project caused you to behave badly to the people around you, scroll for longer than you should or feel overwhelmed. We’ve all been there, and we’re not the only ones it happens to. Is your child having trouble getting school work done? It isn’t always a matter of discipline. If we train ourselves to use x-ray vision, we can ask better questions, and help our kids to get themselves back on track sooner. Amber Smith from In Due Season, shares how to look to the heart of your child to get to the root of unfinished tasks.
Guiding Your Kids on Their Own Hero Journey, by Molly Christensen
Want to raise super kids who know who they are, where they are going, and who will stand for good in this world? Pushing our kids along someone else’s path doesn’t really work. And the whole “follow your dreams” idea seems to have turned into “do whatever you feel like.” Luckily there is a pattern to raise responsible, caring kids to give them a strong foundation! Activate their super powers, without the power struggles!
You CAN Homeschool Just One!, by Terrie McKee
No, you don’t need a 15-passenger van to homeschool. You can, in fact, homeschool just one child. In this session, Terrie McKee of Homeschooling One Child will share tips and encouragement on homeschooling a singleton, including working on projects together, socialization, one-on-one academics, and enjoying the time together.
Limiting Thoughts vs. LimitLESS Thoughts About Homeschooling, by Nancy Mikhail
What we think will produce our actions (or lack-thereof). Find out how to change those limiting thoughts about homeschooling to positive ones and become MUCH more productive.
Planning & Organization
Know Exactly What To Do Every Day For Your Homeschool With This Homeschool Planning System, by Richie Soares
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning knowing exactly what you and your kids will be doing that day for your homeschool? No scattering of the brain. No last-minute printing worksheets and looking up activities while your kids sit and wait for you to get it together. (Guilty.) In this workshop, you will learn precisely how to pre-plan your homeschool every day of your homeschool year through my 4-part homeschool planning system!
How to Get Everything (Important) Done! Homeschool AND Clean the House AND Stay Sane!, by Molly Christensen
You have so much on your plate, so many balls to juggle — how can you possibly do it all? How can you balance work, running the household, homeschool, family, church callings etc and still stay sane? Homeschool moms are some of the most capable people out there, but often we just feel like we have too much to do. Learn how to prioritize and take all those “shoulds” off your shoulders, and find out how it is actually possible to get the most important things done.
Homeschooling Multiple Grades – Making Elementary thru High School Work, by Kelly Warner
From scheduling to selecting curriculum and resources, let’s chat about how to make homeschooling multiple grades work even when your children span elementary through high school.
Homeschool without the chaos using the Pomodoro Method, by Yolanda Newton
If you find it difficult to get your student to complete quality work in a timely manner, give students who work on different grade levels personalized attention, or to get and stay focused, the Pomodoro Method might be for you! This method is used every day by successful people in all kinds of fields, and your homeschool tribe might find success with it too! It’s easy, you have everything you need to implement it right now!