Ready to give your kids the best education possible?
You’re a Busy Bee Homeschooler
You love being with people & building strong relationships,
but your homeschool is missing peace, calm and organization.
So, Busy Bee Homeschooler . . . ready to talk about how to use your strengths and abilities to create the best homeschool for “your” family?
Your Busy Bee Super Powers are:
You are charged up by being with others. You would rather spend time with your kids or other moms than clean the house.
You know where you’d like your homeschool to go, but getting there is not easy for you.
Chatting with friends, family or your kids is what you like to do.
As someone who values relationships, know that you might not like it when push comes to shove and you have to get organized and actually plan for your homeschool, instead of scroll your phone or have 100 tabs open.
Instead of overwhelm, reward yourself when plans for the week done or you organize part of your homeschool area. Enjoy a cup of tea or a bubble bath as a reward.
You’re here because you’re overwhelmed. You feel stressed out, with too many activities to do each day and each week.
It’s hard to juggle it all with multiple kids.
So, you fly by the seat of your pants.
Sound familiar?
What if you could wake up each morning, ready for a calm, peaceful day.
You have a plan to build relationships with your kids AND know your homeschool is giving your kids exactly what they need.
You have a plan you can use for each day, so you stop the stress.
You also know the activities your family does are the BEST activities for each child.
So let’s talk about how to make this happen — no overwhelm necessary.
The road to stopping overwhelm is simpler than you think. The key is to follow moms & dads who have gone before you. I emailed you 5 Must-Watch sessions to help you overcome the overwhelm and stop stress.
With back to school right around the corner for most homeschoolers, we’re offering a FREE Back to School event, Homeschool Super Heroes Week (July 24-28, 2023). Right now, sign up for the Wait List and receive our FREE 206 Summer Fun Activities.
We have 50 experts with over 500 years of homeschooling experience.
At this free, online event, you’ll
- Discover planning systems that really work for homeschoolers
- Gain confidence to know you’re doing enough
- Be encouraged to slow down and enjoy your children
- Discover how to focus on what’s most important for your family
- Gain professional development that shows you how to teach a wide variety of subjects
To help you choose the best sessions to stop overwhelm and get your life back, check your email. We included the 5 must watch sessions for Busy Bee Homeschoolers.
Hi, I’m Kerry Beck, your hostess for Homeschool Super Heroes Week.
I homeschooled our 3 kids for ten years. All of them are grown up and on their own. As the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding.” So, you’ll hear from them during the week.
I’m so excited about our live sessions in the private community group where you’ll have access to our 50 speakers. Ask your questions & get the support you need to be fully prepared for this school year. We have lots of surprises for you all week long.
Everything our Super Heroes share is based on what they’ve learned raising their own children, homeschooling and juggling family, home, marriage and life.
That’s why I’m so happy you took this quiz. It shows that even a teensy tiny fraction of you believes you can create a the best education for your children. Spoiler alert: you totally can!
But make no mistake, we started out exactly where you are today — with a desire and the willingness to put one foot in front of the other to make it happen.
Your quiz results are designed to give you a hearty dose of clarity and inspiration, all you have to do is follow-through. Don’t worry, I’m here to cheer you on.
PS. Remember to check your email for your 5 must-watch Homeschool Super Hero sessions for Busy Bee homeschoolers.